![]() |
September 23, 2000 - Lemmings Revolution Walkthrough Available A walkthrough for Lemmings Revolution is now available. A big "thank you" goes out to Sally Cort for her continued support of the Lemmings community! Sally has also written walkthroughs for Fun, Tricky and Taxing levels of Lemmings 3D. These walkthroughs can be accessed from the menu on the left. |
August 5, 2000 - Site Updates I dusted off some of the e-mail that has been sent over the past few months and have added/changed content on the site. Most of these changes were a result of your feedback, so keep it coming!
May 26, 2000 - Lemmings Revolution Reviewed One of the first reviews of Lemmings Revolution (at least, that I have seen) is now available on c|net's Gamecenter.com. They gave the game a rating of 7 out of 10. I thought the rating was low at first, but I have to say that I agree with it having read the entire review. Check it out for yourself here. |
May 7, 2000 - Lemmings Revolution is here!
Great news for Lemmings fans everywhere - Take 2 Interactive has released Lemmings Revolution for the PC! You can purchase the game for around $20 US at your local software shop or online at one of the following online stores:
Electronics Boutique
A Gameboy Color version of Lemmings Revolution is also due to be released this summer. For those of you who have not played the demo yet, it is available for download at Demo-Files.com. Thanks to all the Lemmings fans for letting me know about the release of this game! Now to start solving the puzzles... |
November 14, 1999 - Another new MIDI!
Another MIDI has been added to the collection here at the Lemmings Compendium. Adam has created a nice medley of various Lemmings tunes for your listening pleasure. Check it out in the downloads section or grab it right here.
I also added a link to a new Lemmings-like game called Thinker. This game was created by Aidan B. Check it out in the links section if you get a chance. |
November 13, 1999 - E-mail to protest Lemmings Revolution If you are as disappointed as I am that Lemmings Revolution was cancelled, make your voice heard! I have received an e-mail address from my source at Psygnosis that should work. Send an e-mail to lemmings.marketing@psygnosis.co.uk to voice your opinion. |
October 17, 1999 - New MIDI! I'm pleased to announce a new addition to the Lemmings Compendium MIDI collection. Fellow Lemmings fan Xky Rauh has written a wonderful medley of Lemmings tunes. The medley is very well done - make sure you download this one. Check it out in the downloads section or grab it right here. |
October 6, 1999 - Lemmings in Top 25 PC Gamer has published their latest "Top 50 Games of All Time" in the November, 1999 issue. Lemmings came in at #25, beating out games like Doom, Duke Nukem 3D and Diablo! There is also a nice little write-up on Lemmings Revolution on page 48. Psygnosis, are you paying attention? |
October 5, 1999 - Lemmings Revolution at risk I have received word from my contact at Psygnosis that development of Lemmings Revolution has been cancelled. It is troubling that Psygnosis is not willing to continue development on one of their best licenses. If you would like to see this game get published, I would strongly recommend contacting Psygnosis to voice your opinion. I hope to have an e-mail address to use for this shortly. |
September 17, 1999 - Guestbook problems fixed
If you have tried to sign or view the guestbook for the past few weeks, you may have received a "404 Not Found" error. I'm not sure what the problem was, but it seems to be working now. I've sent a message to Guestworld for an explanation but have not heard back from them yet.
Also, a number of you have pointed out that some of the links to the demos are broken. I'll go through and clean up the dead links over the weekend. |
September 13, 1999 - Hurry up...
If you haven't downloaded the Lemmings Revolution demo yet, you have only two more days to do it. Psygnosis will have the demo available until September 15, so go get it while you can. Please note that the demo weighs in at about 7.5MB. See below for the links:
Make sure you fill out the survey at http://www.qcweb.research-int.com/psygno/ so that Psygnosis will have valuable feedback to continue development of this game. Personally, I liked the game and hope that they will publish it. |
August 23, 1999 - Lemmings Revolution I have received some (hopefully) good news about Lemmings today! I just got an e-mail from our friends at Psygnosis UK regarding an upcoming demo called "Lemmings Revolution." I have no idea what it is, but I am hoping it will be a compilation of sorts. All my contact provided was a press release, given below: Lemmings Revolution Promises To Have Gamers In A Spin!Note that the demo will be available for download at the Lemmings Revolution website. I am also looking into opportunities for this site to participate as well. At this time, I do not have any more information than what is stated in the press release, so please do not ask me for additional insight into this product. If I get more information, I will post it to the site. |
August 18, 1999 - Upcoming "Lemmings-like" Game
For those of you looking for something different to play, Empire Interactive is bringing out a new puzzle game called Sheep which shares some gameplay elements with Lemmings. Check out this article to read more about it. Thanks go to Robert Church for the heads-up!
On a related note, I've been playing quite a bit of Worms:Armageddon (WA) lately. WA is a turn-based strategy/puzzle game that is very addictive and a lot of fun. Gameplay is much different than Lemmings, but it has a similar appeal. Check out the Worms homepage for more information. A demo is also available. |
August 14, 1999 - Still Alive
Whew. It's been a while since this page has been updated, mostly due to the lack of pertinent Lemmings news. I noticed that Lemmings for Windows now can be purchased at CompUSA stores for around $15US. Not sure if it is available elsewhere, but this is a pretty good deal. I also noticed that Lomax in Lemmingland for Sony PSX is available at GameDealer for $15US, in case anyone is looking for this title. |
April 3, 1999 - Another place to buy Lemmings In addition to the Star Vector site mentioned below, another online resource to purchase Lemmings has been discovered. Check out CD Access for Lemmings Paintball, Lemmings Chronicles and Lemmings 3D. Thanks go to Mike for the tip! |
March 17, 1999 - Chronicles, Paintball for Sale If you are looking for a place to purchase new copies of Lemmings Paintball or The Lemmings Chronicles, I have some great news! I happened upon a site called Star Vector that sells out of print software. Just search for "Lemmings" on Star Vector's front page and it will bring up a list of Lemmings games, including these two titles. These appear to be new, shrink-wrapped editions of the games. |
March 13, 1999 - Site Updates I've added two new sections to the page. The website info section has been updated with a brief expanation of this page and its "mission statement." I've also created an e-mail form for questions and feedback. Check it out in the new e-mail section on the menu bar. |
March 6, 1999 - Demand Aran
Although it has nothing to do with Lemmings, I have placed a link in the menu bar to the "Demand Aran" campaign to bring Metroid to the Nintendo 64. If you are a Metroid fan (or even if you've never heard of Metroid,) please take the time to visit the Demand Aran campaign page. Join the cause if you are interested! I've also added some graphical enhancements to more of the pages in the site. Expect more enhancements to be added in the coming days. |
February 17, 1999 - New look, new home If you are reading this message, then you are looking at the new site design in its new home. The Lemmings Compendium is now hosted by Interspeed Network. Check out their site if you are interested in having your web page hosted. Although I have most of the page uploaded to the new server, you may notice some broken links on the downloads that are stored locally. Rest assured that the files will be available as soon as possible. I have also added a couple of new sections, including a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. Although the FAQ is still under construction, I plan to have it available soon (really!) How do you like the new design? Drop me a note and let me know! |
February 11, 1999 - We're moving Just as a heads-up, the Lemmings Compendium will be switching web providers over the next week or so. You may experience difficulty accessing the site during this time, but I do not expect there to be any major problems. Once I have received the new IP address, you will be automatically forwarded to the new server. I also expect to have the new site design up and running by the time the transfer is complete. |
February 4, 1999 - New Guestbook As a prelude to the renovation to this site, I am changing the format of my guestbook. I am using Guestworld as a guestbook provider, rather than the CGI script that I have been using. This change will allow the guestbook pages to load faster, as well as relieve me from having to reformat them from time to time. Feel free to check it out and sign in! |
December 21, 1998 - Clone game removed I have been asked by Peter Spada to remove all copies of the Lemmings Clone game from my server. It seems that Psygnosis feels that it infringes upon their intellectual property. Since this site provides only legal software downloads, the game and all level packs will be removed immediately. Please do not ask me to provide you with a copy of the clone as I will be unable to do so. |
November 8, 1998 - Heads up
Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I've been working on the Lemmings FAQ as well as a new look for this site. Sometime in the next couple of weeks I will be taking down the site for a very short time to give the site a facelift. Please don't be alarmed if you visit during this time - the remodeling shouldn't take more than a couple of days. The new look should be easier to navigate. I will also be adding a mirror site for downloads over in Germany for those of you living on the continent (thanks go to Michael Schoen for setting this up.)
In other news, Gamecenter has posted a review of Lemmings for the Playstation. Although the review points out that there is nothing new about the release, it at least gives Playstation owners the opportunity to fulfill their Lemmings needs. Go here to read the review.
For those Quake II players among you, a Lemmings player plug-in model has been released recently. Now you can frag your friends as a loveable Lemming! Go here for more information and download locations. |
October 6, 1998 - PSX Lemmings game confirmed Gamecenter has confirmed that Lemmings is indeed coming to the Sony Playstation this year. Although it is basically a rehash of the original Lemmings game, the new game release at least proves that the Lemmings franchise is still viable. Check out the preview for more information. |
September 8, 1998 - And those level packs just keep coming! Two more level packs for the Lemmings clone game have just been added. Thanks go to Craig Kelly and Andy Wright for their submissions! Craig even included a special level (#54) to commemorate Mark McGwire's 62nd home run! As always, these can be found in the downloads section. |
August 23, 1998 - Lots o' Level Packs I have added four new level packs to the downloads page. Thanks go out to the following Lemmings fans for their contributions:
Peter Spada also sent the latest iteration of the Lemmings clone game. This version fixes Mayhem 23 so that it can now be finished successfully. This latest version is available in the downloads section as well. I have also added a couple of new Lemmings links to the links section - "Lemnet" and "The Lemmings Page". Please take some time to stop by both of these nice sites. |
July 19, 1998 - Final version of Lemmings clone...and more
Peter Spada sent me the final version of the Lemmings clone with all of the levels completed. Visit the download page to get it. I have also posted the first "level pack" for the Lemmings clone game. This was contributed by Karl Meyer and is also available in the downloads section. Thanks Karl!
Robert Church was kind enough to send the following audio files for everyone's enjoyment:
Finally, I received word from Rebecca Eash that the Holiday Lemmings games are available directly from Psygnosis. She was able to order both the 1993 and 1994 versions for about $20. Call Psygnosis at (800) 438-7794 to order. Thanks Rebecca! |
July 3, 1998 - Lemmings on PSX? Next Generation Online is reporting a possible release of Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings on the Sony Playstation. This bodes well for a possible re-release on other platforms. Click here for the full story. |
June 19, 1998 - Another new version Peter Spada sent yet another update to the Lemmings clone game, which fixes more bugs. As always, check it out in the downloads section. |
June 11, 1998 - Updated version of Lemmings clone game available Peter Spada sent me an updated version of the Lemmings clone game, which is now available in the downloads section. This revision should fix the installation and video problems many of you have been having. After clicking on the newlem.exe file, please run the install.bat file to install the game properly. Peter has added some more Mayhem levels to the game as well - bringing the total up to Mayhem 15. If any of you are still having problems with the game, please let Peter know. |
June 9, 1998 - Download links updated I have fixed a number of dead links in the downloads section. All of the links should be operational now. |
June 6, 1998 - Petition closed Per my May 31 news item, I have disabled the petition sign-up as of midnight, Central Standard Time. I will make a final count of the signatures this weekend and then send off the petition to Psygnosis. Once again, many thanks to everyone who added their name to the petition! |
June 2, 1998 - Installation note for Lemmings Clone game I neglected to note that in order to install the Lemmings Clone game, you must specify that the directory structure be extracted from the executable. To do this, you must type "newlem.exe -d" (without quotes) from either a command prompt or from the "Run" command under the Windows 95 Start Menu. |
June 1, 1998 - Lemmings Clone available for download I have just added a beta version of a new Lemmings clone game which was sent to me by Peter Spada. Peter has created new, original Lemmings levels on his own and has even included a level editor so that you can create your own levels. Currently, all 30 levels have been completed for the Fun, Tricky and Taxing levels. There are 8 Mayhem levels complete. As the game is developed, Peter will forward new versions to me to make available on this page for download. Check it out when you get a chance and let Peter know what you think! |
May 31, 1998 - Petition sign-up to end soon. I've tallied up the signatures for the petition, finally. As of 10:00 p.m. CST, there are 636 signatures on the petition. I will keep the sign-up page open until midnight CST on Friday, June 5. After that time, no more signatures will be added to the petition. So, if you haven't added your name yet, please do so before this coming Friday. After the final tally, I will send the petition off to Psygnosis. Thanks to everyone who has supported this effort! |
May 28, 1998 - Lemmings 2 Lives on the SNES I was able to score a copy of Lemmings 2: The Tribes for Super Nintendo at one of the malls in Austin today. I bought it at a store called Gamefellas which sells new and used games for most of the console game systems. The copy I bought was brand new (not used, surprisingly) and only cost me 35 bucks. I'm not sure if Gamefellas is a national chain or not, but they have stores in three of the malls here in Austin. Check 'em out if you live nearby. |
April 20, 1998 - A clarification, and an update...
I have received a number of e-mails from some of you who are concerned that this site is going away. I am assuming that these concerns stem from my April 2 update (below.) My e-mail problems were only temporary and were due to a mail server glitch. Please be assured that I intend to keep this page active indefinitely and add to it as new Lemmings news items and files are made available. This site is not (and I repeat, NOT) going away!
In other Lemmings news, signatures to the petition keep coming in. Thanks go to everyone who has signed up so far! I am going to try to count them all up and plug them into a spreadsheet this coming weekend, if possible. At this time, I am setting a goal of 500 signatures before I send the petition off to Psygnosis. If we have already met this goal, I may set it a little higher.
Work on the Lemmings FAQ is proceeding, albeit slowly. I have an outline of the FAQ completed and have begun work on the actual content. I hope to dedicate more time to it in the coming weeks and have an alpha version available by the end of May. |
April 2, 1998 - E-mail woes My e-mail has been down for the past 48 hours. If you sent me a message over the last couple of days, please resend it as I most likely did not receive it the first time. |
March 25, 1998 - More cool stuff added Added some really cool Lemmings music to the downloads section. Five of them are from the first Lemmings game and one is from Lemmings 2: The Tribes. I have posted Windows 95 module players that you will need to download if your system cannot play MOD or MED files. As always, if anyone knows of any other music files (in any format) please let me know where to find them. Enjoy! |
March 7, 1998 - Mac Lemmings sighted Some good news for Macintosh users! I was browsing in a local (Austin, TX) store called Cyber Exchange today and came across 3 NEW copies of Lemmings for the Mac. Cyber Exchange is a franchise that buys and resells previously-owned, discontinued and new software for computers and game consoles. The company has local franchises in most major US cities. Check out their web site for more information. By the way, I did not buy any of the three copies (I don't have a Mac) so they are still on the shelf if anyone in the Austin area is interested. |
March 4, 1998 - Truly "Great Stuff" Apparently, Psygnosis has teamed up with the The Great Stuff Network to distribute Psygnosis titles over the internet. The first game that will be made available for download is none other than Lemmings for Windows. This title is available for $4.99. Visit The Great Stuff Network for more information. Incidentally, the description that appears for Lemmings looks vaguely familiar... |
March 2, 1998 - Lemmings FAQ in development I have begun work on a Lemmings FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) which will act as a single-document repository for much of the information contained in the "About" and "Hints" sections. I plan to make a plain-text version and an Adobe Acrobat (PDF) version available for download, as well as have a hypertext version for on-line reading. Please keep in mind that due to work schedules and such, it may take quite some time to compile. |
March 1, 1998 - Another 3D Lemmings? For those of you who are into Quake, a site called Nocturnal Conversions is working on a "Save the Lemmings" conversion. The goal is to get the Lemmings from the beginning of the level to the exit without killing them. As each Lemmings dies, a percentage of the player's health is decreased. Should be interesting once it is completed. Thanks to Blue's News (an awesome resource for Quake and Quake 2) for the information. |
February 17, 1998 | As of 6:00 p.m. CST today, there are 121 signatures on the petition. This is absolutely fabulous, considering the petition has been up for only 3 weeks. Let's see how quickly we can get to 500! |
January 31, 1998 | Added a MIDI song from The Lemmings Chronicles to the downloads page. This MIDI was composed and submitted by Danu Poyner. Thanks, Danu!
I reformatted the downloads page to (hopefully) make it easier to navigate. At last count, I have already received 34 signatures for the petition. Not bad for a week's time! Keep 'em coming! |
January 24, 1998 | Sign-up for the petition is now available. Go here to add your name to the list. I haven't decided how many names I will need, but I'll keep the sign-up page active for at least a couple of months.
I may design a "Lemmings Now!" button to help advertise the petition if I have time.
Also, I have been getting a lot of requests for the full, registered versions of a number of Lemmings games. Please do not ask me to provide illegal copies of any Lemmings game (or any other game, for that matter.) This site is dedicated to providing freeware and demo versions of the games only. Thanks for your understanding. The About Lemmings section has been updated. |
January 7, 1998 | Responses to the idea of a petition have been overwhelmingly positive. I hope to post a sign-up page as well as a sample of the petition letter within the next week or so. |
January 1, 1998 | Happy New Year! Best wishes to all of you in 1998. I am considering putting together a petition to Psygnosis to re-release all of the Lemmings games on a Windows 95 CD-ROM. It appears that the popularity of Lemmings is still quite high and that such a product would be well-received in the marketplace. The petition will be placed on my site and sent via snail-mail to Pygnosis once I have received enough signatures (not sure what the number is at this point.) Let me know your thoughts on this. I have also reorganized my guestbook into separate pages to decrease load time. Each page will contain a maximum of 20 signatures. In addition, I have added an additional code to the Lemmings 3D code page (special thanks to Matt Dravich for the contribution) and have made some minor aesthetic modifications throughout the site. |
December 25, 1997 | Merry Christmas! Make sure you download a copy of Holiday Lemmings for good cheer! |
October 25, 1997 | Added two more Lemmings demos for your enjoyment - The Lemmings Chronicles and XMas Lemmings 93. |
October 24, 1997 | For some reason, my guestbook file got corrupted. I have restored the file from an October 1 backup, so if you had signed the guestbook between October 1 and October 24, you will need to re-sign. I apologize for any inconvenience. |
October 3, 1997 | Some good news from my web host - they have just switched to an OC-3 (fiber-optic) backbone provider with a maximum throughput of 155Mbps. This is good news for those of you who are accessing this site from overseas as well as stateside (my site is located in the central U.S.) You should see improved, more reliable access from here on out. |
September 30, 1997 | In order to better filter and manage my e-mail, I have created an e-mail address specific to this page: lemmings@deinonych.com. Please use this e-mail address for any questions or comments regarding this site. Thanks! |
September 29, 1997 | Started formatting all pages with the Verdana font. Not all pages have been updated with this font, as I am gradually updating them over the next few weeks. If you don't have this font and wish to view this page as it was intended, you can download it at Microsoft's Free Font Page. |
September 17, 1997 | Redesigned the page slightly with a more extensive use of document frames. I'll be making a few more cosmetic changes over the next few days. |
September 15, 1997 | Well, it looks like I spoke too soon. My web host has had all sorts of problems stemming from the Labor Day ping attack, resulting in the renumbering of my domain several times. It looks like everything is back to normal, so hopefully everyone can access this page again. Please note that if you sent me e-mail during the past couple of weeks, it is likely that I didn't receive it (my mail server went down as well.) If you haven't received a reply from me, you might want to resend your e-mail. Sorry for the inconvenience. |
September 3, 1997 | If you have had difficulty accessing this site over the past 4-5 days, it is due to technical problems my web hosting service has been having. Apparently, some fool maliciously attacked the parent ISP with a huge volume of pings starting Friday night (August 29,) causing several routers to fail. Consequently, the parent ISP shut down the main DNS for my web host over the weekend to try to fix the problem. When this did not work, a new IP had to be assigned to deinonych.com as well as many other domains on this particular server. All seems to be in working order, now. |
July 20, 1997 | I just realized that the guestbook has not been working for the past two weeks. I'm not sure how it got messed up, but it is working again. |
July 19, 1997 | Added a new demo to the downloads section - The Adventures of Lomax. This game is a side-scrolling platform game similar to Sonic the Hedgehog. It was originally released on the Sony Playstation. I have also redesigned the downloads section to make it easier to use. |
June 29, 1997 | Thanks to the submissions from several Lemmings fans, I added a number of new items to the hints section: |
June 9, 1997 | The guestbook is now operational. Make sure you sign in and tell me a little bit about yourself! |
June 7, 1997 | Added codes for Macintosh Lemmings. Thanks go to Corey Saunders for sending them to me. Corey also sent a list of general gameplay tips which I have added to the hints section. Thanks again, Corey! |
May 27, 1997 | I have a confirmed sighting of the original Lemmings game at the local Best Buy. Lemmings is being distributed by GT Interactive on CD-ROM in the budget software section. I picked up a copy myself for $9.99 US. Another Lemmings fan has reported that the same CD can be found at Walmart. Happy hunting! |
May 15, 1997 | Added another Lemmings Paintball walkthrough for the Tricky levels. Thanks once again to Hannah for her submission! |
May 11, 1997 | Added the first Lemmings Paintball walkthrough! Many thanks to Hannah for writing walkthroughs for the Fun levels. |
April 30, 1997 | For those of you who are looking for the original DOS versions of Lemmings and Oh No! More Lemmings, I have a solution courtesy of alt.lemmings. Call Damark at 1-800-729-9000 and ask for the "Aztech CD-ROM set," catalog number B-50052-473770. Apparently, it costs $29.95 and is full of mostly worthless drivel. However, if you want to snap up the first two Lemmings games, here's your chance. If anyone else finds these or any of the other older Lemmings games for sale anywhere, please let me know. |
April 26, 1997 | Did a major overhaul to the site today. The site now employs document frames and should be easier to navigate. I also cleaned up some superfluous HTML documents for easier navigation. In addition, I added logos to most of the individual walkthroughs. |
April 6, 1997 | Added walkthroughs for the Fun, Tricky and Taxing levels of Lemmings 3D. Special thanks go to Sally Cort for allowing me to post her walkthroughs on my page! I now have walkthroughs for all of the PC Lemmings games except Lemmings Paintball. If anyone has written a walkthrough for this game and would not mind it being posted on this page, please let me know. |
April 2, 1997 | Just got the latest PC Gamer in the mail today. Lemmings was rated as the 30th best game of all time! Personally, I would have rated it higher... |
March 28, 1997 | We've moved! Our new site is hosted by Nethosting, Inc. I will have more space and bandwidth to add more Lemmings info and files, now. |
March 25, 1997 | Added file sizes to the Downloads page. Thanks go to Rose Kenner for the suggestion. |
March 2, 1997 | Added new logo to title page. |
March 1, 1997 | Completed SNES Lemmings section. Added codes for Holiday Lemmings 1993 and 1994. Updated all of the "codes" tables for a consistent look and feel. Updated the About Lemmings section. |
February 28, 1997 | Added a guestbook section. It's not fully operational at the moment, but I should have it fixed soon. |
February 23, 1997 | It's been awhile since my last update, so I thought I'd do some polishing up. Below is a list of updates to the site: |
January 8, 1997 | Due to bandwidth/throughput constraints, I have gone back to a text-only page. However, I may be able to put up a graphically-intensive page in the future. |
December 24, 1996 | Updated graphics on title page. Look for more graphical improvements to all of the pages in the near future! |
December 1, 1996 | Added a link to the WinG libraries on the downloads page. WinG is required to run the Lemmings for Windows demo. I also added some new codes to the Lemmings Paintball section. Thanks to Hannah for sending me the codes! |
November 20, 1996 | Added a Javascript pull-down selector for all of the walk-through documents. This should make the pages less cluttered and easier to use. |
November 18, 1996 | Added new Lemmings logo to title page. This may change. |
November 17, 1996 | Added all supporting documents (walkthroughs, codes, etc.) to the site. I am also working on a "guestbook" in which visitors can register. Please keep in mind that I am just starting this page; there may be some glitches or broken graphics/links. However, feel free to let me know about any that you find. |
November 15, 1996 | Everything's new! This is the "official" roll-out date of my Lemmings page. More cool stuff to come! |