The Mayhem Levels Walkthrough |
Mayhem 1 (Level 61) - The Five Arches Make the 1st Lemming a climber to the right. When he's walked around the corner and climbed up another wooden box, make him a digger. When he's started digging into the cement, make him a builder. When he's walked around the corner and climbed to the top of the 1st wooden box, make him a bomber - he should blow up when he's between the 2 boxes and open a path under them both. Return to the rest. Make 2 Lemmings climbers to the right. Let the first one go, but make the 2nd one dig down through the box - when he's about 3/4 of the way down, make him a bomber. Hit the + sign to get all the Lemmings out of start. Go back to the other climber, and when he reaches the space just over home, make him a digger. The rest will make it in time. Mayhem 2 (Level 62) - Brechin's Staircase Make the 1st 2 Lemmings climbers to the right after being catapulted. Make the 1st of these a blocker when he reaches the end of the walkway. After the 2nd climber bounces off the blocker, blow up the blocker, and make the other bash through the 1-way obstacle. Make the 1st in line a right-turner at the end of the walkway. After the turn, make the 1st in line a climber, and a blocker at the end of that walkway - the original remaining climber will come along in a moment, and after he bounces off this blocker, blow up the blocker and have the climber bash through the 1-way obstacle. Make the 1st in line a left turner at the end of the walkway. After the turn, make the 1st in line a climber, and a blocker at the end of that walkway. The original remaining climber will come along in a moment, and after he bounces off this blocker, blow up the blocker and have the climber bash through the 1-way obstacle. All should now reach home. Mayhem 3 (Level 63) - Tower of Lemlab Let the 1st Lemming walk to the wall, turn back, walk under the start, and make him turn to the right just before the step. Make the next Lemming a right turner after he drops off, before he reaches the edge of the walkway. Make the next Lemming a left turner on the 2nd step. After the next recovers from the fall, make him a left turner at the bottom of the steps. Make the 1st 2 Lemmings who turn there climbers - make the 1st of these a blocker at the end of the walkway, and make the 2nd bash through the 1-way obstacle after bouncing off the blocker. Make any Lemming turn the rest towards the transporter. At the other end of the transporter, make the 1st Lemming a left turner anywhere before the edge. Make the next Lemming a left turner to head the rest of them to the door marked quot;Airlock" - this is home. Mayhem 4 (Level 64) - Ski Jump Make the 1st Lemming to reach the top a floater, then a climber when he's moving towards the cliff. When he reaches the bottom, bounces off the obstacle and reaches the green patch, make him a basher. When he gets to the green patch on the other side of the tunnel, make him a builder, then turn him left. Returning to the others, make the 1st one bash through the obstacle before the big slide. Make the 1st Lemming turn left after he's reached the other turner. Make the 1st Lemming build up to the ski jump, and they'll all slide up to home. Mayhem 5 (Level 65) - The Prisoner Camera 1 - position forward and slightly to the left so you can make 5 floaters of the lemmings that will shortly arrive there from the left and start walking up the incline - they'll all reach their home. Go to Camera 3 - position forward and right to make bombers of the 1st 3 Lemmings who'll shortly arrive from the right, so they'll blow up the 3 blocks to the right of the block with the face on it (home). Make the 1st a bomber when he's at the leftmost gold torch. Make the next a bomber when he's halfway between that torch and the edge of the first block. Make the next a bomber when he's halfway under the remains of the 1st block - the rest of this group will now reach their home. Go to Camera 4 - position forward and to the right to make the 1st Lemming dig down the block with the vines on it - the block with the face on it is this group's home, and they'll all make it there. Go to Camera 2 - make 1st Lemming build just before he reaches the 2 gold torches - they'll all make it to their home. Mayhem 6 (Level 66) - Family Tree There's no one solution. As soon as the Lemmings start coming out onto the field, start using turners to merge the lines together, pausing after each turn to set up the next turn so they don't make too much headway, and aim the last line into home. Mayhem 7 (Level 67) - Driving Range Go to Camera 2, and work with this group first. Make the 1st Lemming build to the left when he's just past the halfway point of the rightmost gray block. After the Lemmings turn at the brown wedge, make the 1st in line build when he's halfway across the middle gray block. While he builds, make him "virtual," and make him build again just after he drops and turns at the next 2 brown wedges, and at the end of the gray blocks after the next 2 brown wedges. This gets him to the island - unclick "virtual" and make the 1st in line turn the others into home. Go to Camera 3 - highlight a Lemming and make him turn the others to continue on the green path. Turn another to head them under the bridge. Turn the 1st in line after he's crossed the bridge, the next at the other end of the bridge, and the next at the bottom of the bridge. Turn the next once he's on the island, and the next to head the others home. Go to Camera 4 - highlight a Lemming to climb up the brown wall and dig down at the top. Let him climb the next brown wall, and walk to the other end and back down. After he passes the gray wedge at the bottom, have him mine down to the left so the others can walk up - the climber will go off and die. When the 1st in line passes the gray wedge on the top, make him mine down to the left so the others can walk down and safely fall off the edge - they'll all find their way home. Mayhem 8 (Level 68) - Five Towers When the 1st ground-walking Lemming reaches the wall of the 2nd tower, make him a right-turner. Make the next a left turner just after he's turned right, to aim the others at the slanting part of the tower wall. Make the 3rd Lemming a right turner just at the water's edge. Make the 4th Lemming build the instant he's been turned by this last turner. Build him all the way to the tower - he'll end just short of the roof and turn back. When he's stepped down 1 step, build him again to the walkway near where the other group of Lemmings is trapped. While he's building, highlight the Lemming behind him to turn the others left on the pathway, as he'll overtake the builder. After all the Lemmings have reached this upper walkway, make any one of them a miner immediately after exiting the tunnel, to mine down and free the trapped Lemmings. Make any freed Lemming a left turner before the entrance to the tunnel - they'll all walk off the end hit the trampoline, and get bounced toward home. Mayhem 9 (Level 69) - Over the Top Make 1st and 2nd Lemmings climbers. Make the 1st climber turn to the left when he's on top of the small wooden block. Make the 2nd climber build over the 2nd gray wedge so he gets over it and keeps walking. When he gets back to the middle of the high wooden obstacle, make him a digger when he reaches the middle. He'll eventually walk off and die, but all the others will now trampoline through the opening and get home. Mayhem 10 (Level 70) - The Hanger Make the 1st Lemming a blocker as soon as he recovers and takes a step. Make the 2nd Lemming turn to the left at the wall. Make the 3rd Lemming a builder at the edge of the green pool. None should fall in. As the Lemmings approach the place where they must be turned to the right to reach the steps to the tunnel, make one turn them. Make the 1st in line a blocker after he's taken a few steps - the idea is to clump them as closely together as possible while still allowing enough room for a builder to build over the blocker. When they're all packed in, highlight one, and have him build to the right over the blocker. Enough should survive the hole in the floor to make it. Mayhem 11 (Level 71) - Across the Network After the 1st Lemming has walked through the splitter box, over the bridge and hit the turning wedge, turn him right immediately to force the others back across the bridge. Ignore this batch, and make the 1st Lemming who walked the other way through the splitter box a blocker to force the others back the way they came. Find the 1st Lemming who has crossed the middle bridge, and turn him left towards home. Make the 1st Lemming to approach the obstacle build over it. Mayhem 12 (Level 72) - Raiders of the Lost Lemming Make the 1st lemming turn left when he reaches the wall of the inner building. Make the next 2 lemmings climbers, and ignore the others for now. When the 1st climber reaches the top of the wall, turn him right. When the 2nd climber reaches the highest spot on the wall, make him a miner - he'll mine down to the other side so the others will have access to the wall, and then walk off and die. Returning to the others, make any Lemming turn right at the wall where the other 2 climbed - find one who'se walking in the correct direction so as not to waste time. Make the 1st one in line turn left at the end of the corridor. Make the next one turn left so the others walk up the wall. Make the 1st one to reach the high spot on the wall turn left. Make the next one build to the roof. Now make the 1st a left turner when he nears the edge of the building; make the next one turn left when he nears the next edge; make 1 more turn left so the others are walking over the tunnel. Make the 1st in line a digger, and all will reach home. Mayhem 13 (Level 73) - The Catacombs You need to make the 1st Lemming in line virtual, and turn him where appropriate. Then click on the next one in line to be the 1st, etc. Turn right, left, left, right, take 1st right, right, left, left, right, right, left, left, right, right, right, right, 2nd left, build over trap and click on Lemming who passes you so he's the 1st in line, right, 1st right, left, right, right, right, left, and left again before you reach the wall. Mayhem 14 (Level 74) - Jelly Belly Islands Make the 1st Lemming turn right at the first turnoff. Make the 2nd and 4th Lemmings climbers. Make the 3rd one a turner to the left after he's bounced off the tower, to turn the rest back towards start. Make the 1st climber a builder after he comes through the transporter. After he recovers from the fall, have him build again to the next tower, and let him go. Make the climber who follows him turn to the left towards home. Go back to the others, and make any Lemming a basher when he's halfway up the little slope shortly after the start. Once he bashes under the 2 turners, most of the rest will head for the splitter box, however, you'll lose the 2nd turner that was turning them back towards home - you have time to make another one. Make the 1st Lemming who comes through the transporter (the one high on the right when facing home) a builder. Make the 1st Lemming who comes through the other transporter (the high one on the left when facing home) a builder also - all who follow him are heading home now. Go back to the others who are coming down the previously-built bridges and turn the 1st one right to get the others home. Mayhem 15 (Level 75) - Hole in One, Two, Three! Make the 1st Lemming a builder just as he walks over the sloping edge of the island. Make the 3rd Lemming bash through the stairs when he reaches the 3rd step. Only 1 should reach the top - the rest will drop to the ground. Let the builder go for a moment, and make the 1st Lemming in line bash through the wedge that will otherwise turn them all to the right. (They should all keep going straight, but if any have turned right, *you'll have to keep your eye on him*, and build him over the block that will otherwise turn him back). Return to the builder - as soon as he drops down out of the tunnel after being catapulted, make him build again before he gets to the edge of the quicksand. While he's building, quickly pause and return to the Lemmings walking over the original bridge. Highlight one who'se on the bridge, make him virtual, and make him bash through the brown spot that faces him as soon as he jumps down. Return to the builder, and make him a digger when he reaches that brighter green square. Return to the others - find the 1st one who missed the catapult, and make him bash through the wooden block. Return to the digger, and make him build when he reaches the edge of the quicksand. Return to the basher, and find the 1st Lemming who's walking towards the catapult in the wrong direction - make him a builder on the square just before he reaches it. Now speed them up, and everyone should get home in time. Mayhem 16 (Level 76) - Fun Fair Make the 2nd and 3rd Lemmings climbers to the left as soon as they drop out. Make the 1st a builder as soon as he's underneath the right edge of the square shape on the ferris wheel above him. Make him virtual; after he reaches the first car on the wheel, build him again to the next one - then turn him to the right. Go back to start, and make 2 more climbers to the left. Return and make 2 more climb to the left as soon as you get a chance - don't forget! Return to the turner on the ferris wheel car - make the next Lemming to walk up the stairs turn the others to the right when he reaches the red walkway. Go to your first climber and make him turn to the left. Ignore this side for now, as 2 more climbers will show up there eventually, but can't go anywhere lethal. Go to your 2nd climber on the other side of the ferris wheel, and make him turn to the left after he's walked across the striped roof of home, and is on top of the other red wheel. Make the next climber that comes up there a blocker when he's down along the diagonal drop of the wheel. Make the next climber to arrive there a miner after he bounces off the blocker, just as he reaches that notch in the red wheel. He'll mine down and expose home, plus open a place where a bridge can reach, then fall and die. Return to the 2 other climbers on the other side of the wheel. When they're both visible walking to the right, make the 2nd one in line virtual. He'll climb a small white section in the middle of the span - make him a digger as soon as reaches the top of this little climb; this will open the path to all the others. The other of those 2 solitary lemmings should be ahead of the pack; make him build for home from the edge of that little flat spot, and make him turn the others to the left to get to home. Mayhem 17 (Level 77) - Critical Path Credit is given to Warren Buss for this level, as I was unable to solve it myself! As soon as the 1st Lemming is lined up with the Exit in the background, make him a Digger. Let him dig only once, then make him a basher. When the new leader gets near the 1st turning block, make him a bomber so he blows away a large portion of the turning block. Now increase the release count to max. The last obstacle will be the turning block just in front of the Exit. Have the leader bash through it. Mayhem 18 (Level 78) - Castle Peralus Make the 1st 2 Lemmings from the center start climbers. Make the 2nd of these a bomber just when he reaches the wall - he'll blow a wide hole that other climbers can get through later. Make the 1st climber a digger when he's at the last section of light-colored pavement before the end of the roof - he'll walk back and forth between the 2 walls for the time being. Make a Lemming from the rightmost start (the one nearest to you in Camera 1 position) a climber - he'll climb through the hole the bomber created - when he turns at the gray wedge at the next obstacle, make him bash through the 1-way obstacle. (This will allow the digger to climb over this wall now, but he'll be back). When he climbs the high tower and turns around, make him build back to the roof - he'll climb over the turning wedge - when he reaches the little tower obstacle, make him mine through it. As soon as he says "OK," pause and go back and find the original climber/digger - he should be just climbing the little wall where the bashed 1-way block was. Make him build at the edge of the wall, then when he reaches the doors in the tower, bash through them to reach home. Go back to the line of Lemmings from the leftmost start. Find one that's just turning back from the gray wall behind start, and make him a builder when he's just past the back edge of the center start structure - he'll need to build twice to reach the top. While he's building the 1st stairs, make a Lemming from that same line who'se approaching the bombed out wall, a climber - then return to make the builder build a second time. All the other Lemmings from this line will make their way home. Go back to the new climber, and bash him through the wall under the bashed 1-way block. While he's walking, return to the group, and make a Lemming from the center start build to the bomb hole - then build him again when he's walked about a third of the way across the space to the bashed wall. All the other Lemmings from this line will make their way home. Go back to the climber/basher - after he's climbed the big tower and turned around, make him build back to the roof. He too will climb over the gray turning wedge, but let him climb the small tower and make him a digger when he reaches the top. Go back to the remaining line of Lemmings. Again find one that's just turning back from the gray wall behind start. Make him build twice when he reaches the same spot under the center start as the other builder. All Lemmings should reach home in time, with 1 extra. Mayhem 19 (Level 79) - T'uther Circus Level Make the 1st Lemming climb to the right - as soon as he's climbed to the other side of the small blue & orange wedge, make him a builder. When he comes back, bash him through the 1-way obstacle. After he's climbed to the left, make another Lemming a climber to the left. Go down to the small blue & yellow 1-way obstacle. Let the 1st climber bounce off it - make the 2nd climber bash through it - he'll open the path to home. Go back to the other climber. After he's hit the last turning wedge and is heading downhill, make him a bomber when he's halfway across the 2nd block of the descent to blow a hole through the small obstacle in front of him. Go back to the rest of the Lemmings - highlight one, and bash him through the green and white blocks. They should fall through the bomb hole to get home. Hit the + sign to get the rest of the Lemmings out quickly, or you'll run out of time. Mayhem 20 (Level 80) - Final Maze Make the 1st Lemming a right turner after he walks off the block. When the 6th turned Lemming has stepped onto the 1st step, blow up this turner. Concentrate now on the 3 Lemmings that are walking forward from the landing pad. Make the 2nd of these a basher just after he turns at the wedge - the 1st and 3rd will turn back. Make the 2nd of these bash through the 1-way block that's trapping the main group near start. Return to the 1st basher - when he's catapulted, let him drop to the next lower level and make him a blocker when he recovers and starts walking. Return to the area of the catapult that launched him ... allow the single Lemming to be catapulted and ignore him for now. Highlight the 1st Lemming in the approaching pack, and make him a bomber after he turns towards this catapult to prevent any others from reaching it. Find 3 Lemmings that are walking towards the pathway to the other 2 catapults and make them climbers. Make the 1st of these a left turner at the end of the path. The other 2 will slide to the catapult. Go up to where they land, and make the 1st a turner at the corner. Make the 2nd a digger when he reaches the block with the face on it. Go back and blow up the turner, and then go to the area of the blocker, and make the trapped Lemming bash through the 1-way block. Go back to the main pack and make one Lemming build up to the path that the 3 climbers climbed earlier. Make the 1st in line a right turner at the end of this path. The Lemmings that are catapulted will get home - make the 1st Lemming that walks past the catapult a blocker. (**) Make the 1st Lemming that walks back across the catapult a left turner before the ice. From this point, enough Lemmings will reach home to win. (**) You still have 2 climbers left. You can't save any of the Lemmings that walked the wrong way off the 1st landing pad, nor can you save the one that's trapped by the tree, but you have a chance at the 2 that are trapped near home. The main pack of Lemmings is far enough away from the catapult at this time so you have time to make both trapped Lemmings climbers with a time interval in between (so they both land facing in the right direction). They have a chance to get home only if they merge with the walking pack. This gives them the possibility of only being launched towards home after hitting the blocker - if they launch the 1st time across the catapult, they'll land facing the other 1-way block and will climb over it and wind up hitting the catapult on the ice, and will die.
This walkthrough was written by Nancy Linsley. All rights reserved. |