The Cave Levels Walkthrough |
Cave 1: Audex Powder
Do nothing until the 1st lemming gets to the tip of the tail of the left-most
and lowest toad, then make him a builder.
Cave 2: Successive Division
(There are probably several solutions to this level).
Make the 1st lemming coming from the left a stomper at the left edge of the
soft material in the center of the landing platform. When he stomps as far as
the red material, make him a scooper. (This should result in making all the
lemmings into a single group to deal with instead of 2 separate groups). Make
any lemming moving left scoop to the next level down. The lead lemming should
scoop at the left end of the next level, then the right end of the following
level. You should now be one level above the exit. Have someone stomp through
to land on the plant between the 2 exits.
Note: If one or more lemmings manage to split off from the rest of the group,
you can either restart the level or make someone stomp so they can rejoin the
main group somewhere.
Cave 3: Mortal Men Doomed to Die
When the 1st lemming out of the entrance lands on the mushroom, make him a
platformer. When he gets over to the next mushroom to the right, make him a
stomper. Have one of the lemmings who fell between the 2 mushrooms build from
the far left.
Cave 4: A Stompin' Good Time!
Start at the right entrance. Make the 2nd lemming a stomper as soon as he
lands. The 1st lemming will be tossed by the tail of the toad and land on the
large mushroom to the left of the entrance. Make him stomp between the 2
mushrooms while moving to the left. Now go back to the pit where the lemmings
are trapped and rope to the mushroom on the left to release everybody.
Go to the left entrance. As soon as a lemming gets to the mushroom on the
right, make him scoop 2 or 3 times, then make him a platformer. When someone
gets well to the right, have him scoop to the right, then again above the
exit platform.
Cave 5: This is the Pits!
Have the lead scout start stacking at the right end of the horizontal surface
just below and to the right of the entrance. (If timed correctly, only one
lemming will get over the stack (followed by the stacker when he is
finished). Now look closely just below the left corner of the water tank. You
should see 2 red eyes there as well as near the right corner of the water
tank. Have the lead lemming start building directly under the 1st eye he
comes to. After only 3 or 4 steps, make him a jumper or filler so he'll stop
building. Just before he gets to the next set of red eyes, make him a
stomper. When he breaks through and turns back to the left, make him platform
across the valley below. The first lemming to reach the rock projection to
the left should fence through it then become a platformer as soon as he
finishes. If the 2nd lemming drops off the platform before getting past the
red eyes, he should build left. Now release the remaining lemmings by fencing
through the stack.
Cave 6: Ain't No Time
When the lead scout gets to the wall on the right, make him a stomper. The
1st lemming to get to the small pit a short distance ahead of the toad's nose
should pour glue one time just before dropping into the pit. Next, have
someone rope to the rock hanging off the right edge of the ledge above. When
someone gets to highest rock above the ledge and turns back to the right,
make him a builder twice. Use 2 fillers to fill the pit ahead of the exit.
Cave 7: Deadly Exit
(Pause the game as soon as it comes on the screen to allow time to locate the
As soon as the 1st lemming touches down, make him jump twice. Then before he
gets to the red eyes, have him rope low to the ramp ahead. Make the lemming
who is coming up behind the roper a jumper so he hits his head on the rock
projection above to delay him. When the lead lemming gets to the top of the
ramp, make him rope again high on the next ramp on his right. Have a lemming
platform over to the green plant. His platform must end above the green stem
projecting to the left of the plant. There are 2 sets of red eyes between the
plants and the exit - the 1st set are bogus. When the 1st lemming lands on
the right side of the plants, make him jump ahead once, then platform over to
the exit as soon as he gets to the 1st eye of the 2nd set of eyes.
Cave 8: Wilma!
The lead lemming should start stacking to the right of the entrance. Only one
lemming should get over the stack before it is high enough to block everyone
else. Have the lead lemming start stacking just before he can fall into the
valley below the ledge. When the 2nd lemming gets to the 2nd stack and turns
left have him fence as far as he can, then make him a bomber to complete the
opening. When he drops to the rocks below he will still be moving left. Make
him a filler before he can turn back to the right. When he walks up the ramp
on the left and gets as high as he can go without turning around, make him a
fencer. He will now walk all the way down to the bottom rock platform. When
he gets to the right end, make him a fencer, then make him fence through the
plant ahead of the exit.
Go back to the entrance area, make someone a filler to free all the lemmings
on the left, then make the leader fence through the 1st stack. To get 100%
saved on this level, make the lemming trapped in the valley a ballooner to
the right of the 2nd stack. Let him rise up over the stack and use the fan to
blow him left and down to break the balloon on the 1st stack or somewhere
Cave 9: Evolution of Lemmings
Make the lead lemming a Parachutist. Give him a JetPack when he gets near the
right end of the landing platform. Blow him over and to the right of the
mushroom. When he gets all the way to the bottom of the shaft and walks left,
make him a Hang-Glider to get across the gap. Make him Laser Blast twice to
make one large opening in the platform above his head. Make him a JetPacker
as soon as he finishes blasting. Blow him up through the opening and to the
left. When he comes back to the opening, make him a Platformer. When he turns
back to the left again, make him a Ballooner. When he gets higher than the
platform above, blow him to the left. When he turns back to the right, make
him a JetPacker again. Use the fan to blow him straight up and all the way to
the right. (If you have trouble making this with one JetPack, let him land on
the ramp over the left side of the water tank. Then give him another JetPack
and finish the trip all the way to the right). When he walks left again, have
him Platform over the water tank. Let him turn around and walk back to the
wall. When he turns left again, make him a Ballooner and blow him to the left
when he's above the platform. Let his balloon break and then when he turns
back around to the right, make him a Ballooner and blow him to the right so
he lands on the platform above. Next, have him Bash through the wall ahead,
then make him Platform to the wall on the right end of the long shaft he
parachuted down earlier.
When he makes his return trip back down, have him Bash through the obstacle
at the left end of the water tank. When he starts bashing go back to the
landing platform and have someone Bash through the mushroom on the right.
When the lead lemming gets back down to the platform over the exit, have him
Stomp through so he and all the rest will land safely on solid ground.
Cave 10: Ah'm No Done Yet!
(The solution for this level was tough to come by, but the execution has one
very tough sequence to deal with and will probably take a number of tries
before you get it right).
Make the 2nd lemming an Attractor as soon as he is by himself. Make the lead
lemming a Jumper to get him away from the music. When he drops to the ramp
below with the mushroom on the right edge, make him a Glue Pourer after he
turns back to the left in order to close the gap between his ledge and the
one ahead of him. When he gets to the skull, make him a Fencer. Depending on
where you start the fencing, he will drop through a hole in the bottom of the
skull sooner or later - sooner is mandatory. When he walks left to the last
rock on the platform, make him a Shimmier. He will shimmy all the way along
the bottom of the skull before dropping safely down to the platform below.
When he turns to the right and walks all the way to the edge of the green
platform, make him a Platformer. When he drops off the end of the platform,
he should land on the platform just over the exit. Make him a Stomper between
the gap in the floor just to the left of the exit and the exit steps. Now go
back and make the musician into a Jumper.
This walkthrough was written by Warren Buss. All rights reserved.