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New Toy

Canon have released a new "prosumer" digital camera, the EOS-10D. It uses a custom CMOS sensor in lieu of the traditional CCD found in most digital cameras. More importantly, the sensor is housed in an EOS SLR camera body, allowing the use of Canon's EF line of interchangeable lenses.

The EOS-10D has a huge 6.3 megapixel resolution, as well as a number of features (histogram, white balance, custom processing etc.) found in the higher-end EOS film cameras. We already own a Canon Rebel G with a 35-80mm Zoom and a 75-300mm Telephoto lens. I'll be able to use both with the new camera, although I'll probably get a Zoom lens (like the EF 28-90mm f/4-5.6 II USM) specifically for the 10D.

I currently own a Canon PowerShot G1, which has been a wonderful camera. It has a 3.3 megapixel CCD, a 3x optical zoom and a very handy variable-angle LCD. I have enjoyed using this camera immensely. But, the temptation to upgrade was too great, especially given the relatively inexpensive price of $1,499 for the EOS-10D. My wife wasn't too thrilled about me dropping that much coin on a camera. But, I was able to find a buyer for my G1 (Dad), so her concerns were alleviated somewhat.

Over the weekend, I stopped by Precision Camera here in Austin (awesome photography store, by the way) and put a deposit down on the camera. As is typical for Canon's high-end digital cameras, the demand considerably outweighs supply. The salesman at Precision said that typical lead times are about 4 weeks, but there were no guarantees. So, hopefully I'll have my camera sometime in June. I could have purchased the camera online, but my experiences with online photography retailers have left much to be desired. Not only is Precision Camera an Authorized Canon Reseller, but they also have a service department should I ever need repairs. The fact that they are here in town makes things more convenient. And, I'm supporting the local economy as well.

Next, I may have to pick up the Canon BubbleJet i950. After all, it allows direct connection from the camera for printing photos, and my HP PhotoSmart P1000 is starting to show its age. Stay tuned...


Heh..interesting reading. I'll stick with my logitech webcam for taking pictures.

Posted by: Carlos Lee Sue at May 17, 2003 04:32 PM

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